Manage cidaas via Terraform and Infrastructure-as-a-Code

Automate your infrastructure with the Infrastructure-as-a-Code concept and manage cidaas via HashiCorp Terraform.

Manage cidaas via Terraform and Infrastructure-as-a-Code

Infrastructure-as-a-Code, automate the IT infrastructure

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) makes it possible to define, configure and manage the IT infrastructure using code. The advantage of this approach is that the infrastructure is treated as scalable and reproducible code, making it easier to automate deployment processes and manage resources. By applying IaC principles, developers and operations teams can collaborate more efficiently, easily track changes and also improve the security of the infrastructure.



Infrastructure-as-Code automates the provision and management of resources



Infrastructure-as-Code enables simple scaling of resources via changes in the code



Infrastructure-as-a-Code creates consistent and reproducible environments



Infrastructure-as-a-Code strengthens collaboration between development and operations teams

Infrastructure-as-a-Code with Terraform!

Infrastructure-as-a-Code with Terraform!

  • Tick Mark

    Scalable and platform-independent

    Terraform is platform-independent and supports a wide range of cloud providers and on-premises infrastructures. This enables consistent management of resources across different environments.

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    Simple and flexible configuration

    Terraform uses a simple and declarative configuration language to describe the infrastructure. This makes the code easier to read and allows developers to focus on the desired states while Terraform takes care of the implementation.

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    Continuous planning and change management

    Terraform enables precise planning of infrastructure changes before they are implemented. This function allows developers to visually check potential effects, minimize unnecessary risks and manage changes in a controlled and traceable manner.

Automate the configuration of cidaas in just a few steps

  • Tick Mark

    Create a cidaas instance

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    Install the cidaas Terraform Provider. Download the Terraform Provider from the cidaas Github Repo

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    Create an app in cidaas as a representation of your Terraform instance and copy the Client Id and the Client Secret into the corresponding fields of the provider configuration.

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    Take a look at our documentation for the cidaas Terraform Provider.

Automate the configuration of cidaas in just a few steps
Why cidaas is the right Customer Identity & Access Management for you!
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    Benefit from established standards such as OAuth2, OpenID Connect and SAML, as well as the versatile plugins and SDKs from cidaas for seamless integration into any application or software solution.

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    The cidaas platform offers a comprehensive feature set from single sign-on to multi-factor authentication and consent management, which you can use flexibly and individually for your use case to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

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    cidaas is “Software hosted in Germany/Europe” and therefore meets the highest data protection requirements such as the EU GDPR. Integrated security functions such as multi-factor authentication and fraud detection protect your digital identities.

ProSiebenSat.1 relies on cidaas, the best single sign-on solution, as a platform for the 7Pass login service

ProSiebenSat.1 relies on cidaas, the best single sign-on solution, as a platform for the 7Pass login service

SachsenEnergie AG, the largest municipal utility in eastern Germany, continues its digital transformation with cidaas

SachsenEnergie AG, the largest municipal utility in eastern Germany, continues its digital transformation with cidaas


If you need support, we will be happy to help you!

Support by cidaas


Take a look at our extensive documentation!

Docs by cidaas