Wimsheim: For small and medium-sized enterprises, there lies a decisive potential in the digitization of processes, in order to be successful in the competition. However, lack of human resources and too much new ground in IT, act as more of an obstacle for many entrepreneurs than a catalyst for change. IT service providers support the development of holistic business concepts.

A recent study shows why digitization in the German mid-sized sector is still far from being self-perpetuating: 88 percent of decision-makers in companies interviewed call the digital transformation a challenge; for about 2/3, “risk-taking” is a closely related term, Another third even feel anxious about technical change, as many respondents say they feel left alone when it comes to this topic.
Step by step into the digital world
Many decision-makers can imagine what digitization means at first, only when they see concrete examples from other companies. They then recognize what transformation has taken place and may even realize how an entire industry is changing: for example, through Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, Kodak and Neckermann. In the industrialized nation of Germany, digitization is currently too closely linked to the change in individual business processes or their optimizations further on. Digitization is however, more. The challenges are tasks for IT experts and specialists alike, as the picture shows.
The staffing level is often very low, especially for medium-sized companies, so the implementation of digital transformation is at first sight a challenge that is hard to beat for many. External IT specialists like WidasConcepts provide comprehensive and cost-effective support. Customized digital solutions are quickly created for the company to be applied in the market in a timely manner, be it in the B2B or B2C area – and finally, it is about a completely new user experience for the customers. Particularly lucrative from the perspective of SMEs: The extension of the chosen model will be carried out gradually. “Minimal Viable Product” is the name of the approach, in which the digital solution is quickly implemented with basic features and then developed in further small stages to form a unique digital solution.
Digitization is leading to the erosion of customer or user identity through new technologies. Customers are no longer personally in touch with businesses, the conversation is missing the face-to-face aspect, but customer feedback remains. Traditional user logins are outdated, they do not meet the newly defined requirements in terms of security, user experience and, above all, in terms of “Know Your Customer”.
Modern systems for user identification can usually be easily implemented into existing channels via secure interfaces, such as in employee, customer, supplier and partner portals. The assignment of permissions always lies with the company. High-quality solutions can be integrated in the day-to-day business and can be deployed in no time at all: with an unchanged user interface and support for company-specific apps and interfaces (APIs).
Customer identity management as an opportunity for SMEs
Recognizing customer behavior is also a fundamental task in the digitalized corporate world. The faster the analysis, the faster the results that can be used for day-to-day business and so as to bring about a profit in marketing. The required customer identity management is already offered by IT services companies such as WidasConcepts today. The service package includes ergonomic logins for the customer as well as clear user identification. Specific customer activities and information in web shops, apps or other sales channels can be evaluated in detail. The user actively decides which information he wants to disclose. Every single detail opens up the potential to create special offers tailored to the customer. The company can also derive measures to have a lasting positive influence on customer loyalty. Each logged in user is supported across channels and individually. If satisfied customers become loyal business partners, they are also usually prepared to share more details about themselves – because they recognize their profit from the personalized approach.
العسل الملكي للرجال يعتبر من المكملات الغذائية الطبيعية المفيدة التي تعزز الصحة العامة. يحتوي على مزيج من العسل النقي وغذاء ملكات النحل والعديد من المكونات الأخرى المفيدة. يساعد العسل الملكي في تعزيز الطاقة والنشاط البدني، وتحسين الأداء الجنسي بفضل قدرته على زيادة تدفق الدم وتحفيز إنتاج الهرمونات.