Digitalization ensures quality at the Mundschenk Group – Yet another success story in setting up a Digital Business Infrastructure with cidaas
While going digital the Mundschenk Group has set another milestone in its long-standing of tradition of high-quality publications, and we, cidaas, are pleased to have made substantial contribution to the development of a Digital Business Infrastructure.
Sadrick Widmann
The intended objective of digitalization for the Mundschenk Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft is the establishment of a resilient “Digital Business Infrastructure” (DBI), which forms the basis of digitalization and a digital business model for all branches of the Mundschenk Group. With Das Büro am Draht as the integration partner, the first step was to target the use case of an ePaper user of Böhme Zeitung for the newly created digital business infrastructure. The goal of the implementation project is to set up an API gateway along with a CIAM connection, which will then support the value chain of a Mundschenk ePaper user from registration to profile filling with the required data to billing via the existing workflow tool Zapier, a subscription management tool and a payment provider.
The Digital Business Infrastructure consists of:
- The Cloud Identity & Access Management - cidaas - for uniform authentication and authorization of users and securing of APIs.
- NGINX as a central API gateway.
- Chargebee as subscription management to manage ePaper user subscriptions.
For users and customers of the digital services of the Mundschenk Vertriebs und Druckgesellschaft, the digital business models on a modern Digital Business Infrastructure with innovative cloud services such as Cloud Identity & Access Management from cidaas mean the best user comfort, ensuring highest security by using the standards of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. Interested to know more? Find the complete narrative of the success of Mundschenk Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft’s success in building a Digital Business Infrastructure with cidaas in our Success Story.