Authkit.io – the cidaas Developer Tools for Identity & Access Management is now expanded with OAuth 2.0 Playground
Authkit.io was launched by cidaas to offer developers worldwide the most efficient tools for Identity & Access Management. The Authkit.io – JWT Decoder enables the decoding of JWT tokens. JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties and is widely used for authorisation and information exchange in Identity & Access Management. Now the Authkit.io – Developer toolkit is expanded with another set of latest features, namely OAuth 2.0 Playground.
cidaas always strives to break new ground in digitalisation and to bring you the latest in the industry. Now we go one step further and add Authkit.io, the cidaas developer tools, the latest feature set called ‘OAuth 2.0 Playground’. The OAuth 2.0 Playground enables developers worldwide to easily integrate, demonstrate and explore cidaas, the leading European Identity and Access Management.
Marvin Siegert
Head of Integration, cidaas
Tokens, especially access and ID tokens defined by the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect standards, are central elements in modern Identity & Access Management solutions. The tokens are often mapped in JWT format, as in cidaas. Dealing with tokens is one of the everyday tasks of developers, business analysts and often technically savvy project managers. cidaas simplifies what is complex and therefore offered a JWT decoder as the first feature on Authkit.io. Now, the widely welcomed Authkit.io is expanded with a set of new essential features, ‘OAuth 2.0 Playground’ – a playground for multiple grand types or flows, for example Authorisation Code, PKCE, Implicit or Device Code.
The OAuth 2.0 Playground helps developers to understand the OAuth 2 authorisation process by illustrating the different grant types or flows and taking the developer step-by-step to the process of obtaining an access token or id token. The Playground also integrates seamlessly with the JWT decoder to efficiently decrypt tokens, check if the token is verified, and more, anytime, anywhere.
Test the new OAuth 2.0 Playground now at Authkit.io!
About cidaas
cidaas, the European cloud identity and access management system from Widas ID GmbH, delivers an out-of-the-box solution for federated identities, Single Sign-On and Multi-factor Authentication. With cidaas, companies create unique user identification and maximum security across all channels. Based on the standards OAuth2.0, OpenID and its “Everything is an API” architecture, cidaas can be seamlessly integrated into any software landscape and scales effortlessly up to many millions of users.