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Interview by cidaas - merger of iWelcome and OneGini to OneWelcome

Interview with cidaas-CEO – Sadrick Widmann – on the merger of iWelcome and OneGini to OneWelcome

After the merger of Okta and Auth0, iWelcome and OneGini are also announcing the merger. We interview the CEO of cidaas – Sadrick Widmann – on the latest developments in the Identity & Access Management market and what major challenges the merger could bring. What does this development mean for cidaas?

Interview with cidaas-CEO – Sadrick Widmann – on the merger of iWelcome and OneGini to OneWelcome Read More »


TOP 5 IT trends in Healthcare & MedTech – Rising Innovations and how Identity Management enforces them.

The healthcare sector is one of the most promising industries and will be even more interesting in the future. The demands and needs of patients or customers are becoming increasingly important. The healthcare sector, like many other industries, is evolving into personalized instead of standardized services. Thereby, keywords such as patient-centered care or personalized medicine are mentioned frequently. In this context, digitalization is seen as a major milestone from the fix-it-with-a-pill mentality, towards personalization. Digitalization is driven primarily by information technology and therefore demands sophisticated IT services.

TOP 5 IT trends in Healthcare & MedTech – Rising Innovations and how Identity Management enforces them. Read More »


The future of the energy sector – Single Sign On & Identity Management for private households

Smart Grid, E-Mobilität, Smart Home, intelligente und vernetzte Geräte. Die disruptiven Entwicklungen verändern den Energiesektor und fordern den Wandel vom reinen Energieversorger hin zum Energie-Service-Dienstleister. Durch die zunehmende Digitalisierung sind neue, hybride Services hinzugekommen, die das klassische Angebot des Energiedienstleisters ergänzen, ob E-Roller, Smart Metering oder E-Tankstellen.

The future of the energy sector – Single Sign On & Identity Management for private households Read More »

single sign on

To Single Sign-On in 30 minutes

Due to the increased number of various digital services in the enterprise as well as in the customer environment, Single Sign-On became increasingly critical. On the one hand, it is an essential element to provide more user comfort and a smooth journey and on the other hand, it serves to improve security. Identity and access management play a central role in the realization of Single Sign-On.

To Single Sign-On in 30 minutes Read More »

FIDO2 Authentifizierung

8 years in FIDO – What has happened so far

For several reasons, logging in to a website with your username and password may not be the ideal method of authentication. On one hand, the number of applications a person uses is constantly increasing. On the other hand, the security of credentials is increasingly at risk as cybercrime becomes more sophisticated and technologically advanced. Targeted brute-force attacks or seemingly harmless phishing attacks via email have become so common that users often do not even notice that their own credentials have been hacked.

8 years in FIDO – What has happened so far Read More »