Seamless connectivity - integration of cidaas with cnips (iPaaS)

Seamless connectivity – integration of cidaas with cnips (iPaaS)

Seamless integration of your (customer) identity & access management solution with other systems such as CRM, marketing automation and ERP in the context of a CIAM or, for example, HR systems in the EIAM is crucial for efficient and automated business processes in an integrated IT landscape. In this article, we show you how to integrate cidaas into your IT landscape with the help of cnips, the Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) solution.

Advantages of integration:
  • Automated workflows: With cnips pipelines, you can create automated workflows that connect cidaas to your systems and vice versa.
  • Central user administration: With cidaas as your central Identity & Access Management solution, you can keep track of all user activities and access rights in your systems.
  • Increased efficiency: Seamless integration reduces manual processes and increases the efficiency of your IT landscape.
Implementation of the integration:
  • Setting up webhooks: Configure cidaas webhooks to forward events such as user logins or updates to cnips.
  • Creating pipelines: Use cnips to create pipelines that process and, if necessary, enrich the data received and then forward it to the relevant systems.
  • Test and optimize: Test the integration to ensure that all data is transferred correctly and efficiently, and optimize pipelines as needed.

The advantage of an iPaaS platform over individual connectors:

Relying on an iPaaS platform like cnips offers significant advantages over developing individual connectors for each system integration:

  • Time and cost savings: The development, maintenance and operation of individual connectors for each integration is time-consuming and costly. An iPaaS platform offers ready-made connectors and tools that significantly speed up the integration process and reduce costs.
  • Scalability: With an iPaaS platform, you can easily integrate new systems and applications without the need for extensive development work or operation. This enables a flexible and scalable IT infrastructure that grows with your company’s requirements.
  • Central administration: An iPaaS platform offers central administration so that you can monitor and control all integrations. This not only simplifies the effort, but also reduces it considerably.
  • Security: iPaaS platforms offer integrated security functions that ensure the protection of sensitive data and compliance with data protection regulations. This is particularly important when integrating Identity & Access Management systems.
  • Continuous improvement: iPaaS providers continuously update and improve their platforms to provide new features and security updates. This means you always benefit from the latest technologies and best practices.


The integration of cidaas with cnips enables efficient and automated management of your IT landscape. Take advantage of seamless connectivity to optimize your business processes and increase efficiency. Sophisticated integration not only improves data quality and reduces manual intervention, but also contributes to more secure and consistent user management. By relying on an iPaaS platform instead of individual connectors, you save time and costs, increase scalability and benefit from continuous improvements.

Register for our deep dive workshop on integrating cidaas with cnips at cidaas connect 2024 to get detailed insights and practical tips! Learn more here:

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