

The future of the energy sector – Single Sign On & Identity Management for private households

Smart Grid, E-Mobilität, Smart Home, intelligente und vernetzte Geräte. Die disruptiven Entwicklungen verändern den Energiesektor und fordern den Wandel vom reinen Energieversorger hin zum Energie-Service-Dienstleister. Durch die zunehmende Digitalisierung sind neue, hybride Services hinzugekommen, die das klassische Angebot des Energiedienstleisters ergänzen, ob E-Roller, Smart Metering oder E-Tankstellen.

The future of the energy sector – Single Sign On & Identity Management for private households Read More »

single sign on

To Single Sign-On in 30 minutes

Due to the increased number of various digital services in the enterprise as well as in the customer environment, Single Sign-On became increasingly critical. On the one hand, it is an essential element to provide more user comfort and a smooth journey and on the other hand, it serves to improve security. Identity and access management play a central role in the realization of Single Sign-On.

To Single Sign-On in 30 minutes Read More »

FIDO2 Authentifizierung

8 years in FIDO – What has happened so far

For several reasons, logging in to a website with your username and password may not be the ideal method of authentication. On one hand, the number of applications a person uses is constantly increasing. On the other hand, the security of credentials is increasingly at risk as cybercrime becomes more sophisticated and technologically advanced. Targeted brute-force attacks or seemingly harmless phishing attacks via email have become so common that users often do not even notice that their own credentials have been hacked.

8 years in FIDO – What has happened so far Read More »