Access management and groups

Modern access management for the efficient teamwork

Access management and groups

What roles do groups play in modern access management?

Every organization is hierarchically structured and mostly people work together in dynamic, agile teams (groups). The respective teams need different authorizations to perform their tasks. Now, partnership-based collaboration models are increasingly emerging, whereby teams no longer consist solely of people from one organization, but rather consist of inter-company team members. This requires fine-grained rights, role and group management, simple integration of external organizations and decentralized team access management.

What roles do groups play in modern access management?

Mapping dynamic, agile teams

Delegated admins for decentralized, efficient access management

Learn more about your partners and customers for a personal approach


Fine grained rights and role management

Advantages & uses
Access management and groups

Mapping of hierarchies and agile teams

In order to respond quickly to changes, accommodate new requirements and deliver quickly, companies and divisions are increasingly working in agile teams. The world is thus moving away from the hierarchical model towards dynamic teams. The group management of cidaas offers flexible permissions, allowing you to easily map your agile group structure and enable efficient and secure collaboration.

Using groups and subgroups, you can also continue to map your hierarchy of the organization.

Mapping of hierarchies and agile teams
Efficiency and transparency through delegated admins

Efficiency and transparency through delegated admins

Through delegated admins you can learn more about your customers and partners. In this way, your customers, partners and suppliers can manage their users, business partners and in B2C also family and friends. Thus, all participating users have efficient control over assignments, roles and authorizations. You, on the other hand, learn more about the users/employees of your partners and customers with the help of this cidaas module.

By integrating social and enterprise providers, you can even make it easier for your customers and partners to log on to your applications.

Fine grained-rights and role management

A fine-grained rights and role management ensures access security, which is guaranteed for every request through cidaas API security. cidaas provides various options for this purpose:

  • Roles and rights can be bundled in a group and applied to a user
  • Through the group management, people may belong to several distinct groups, such as the project manager group, and can thus be easily delegated.
  • Hierarchies can be mapped using groups, sub-groups.
  • Further specific attributes can be added to groups and users in a configurable way.

cidaas uses an application-centred view, which controls the authorizations.

Fine grained-rights and role management

The significance of fine-grained access management

feingranulares Berechtigungsmanagement durch Gruppen für die Medizin Branche  mit cidaas

Healthcare Sector

Healthcare Sector

Every person is unique. The healthcare sector attaches great importance to customization. This requires close interaction with various stakeholders, as well as with the patient. For the implementation of this collaboration, fine-grained rights, role and group management and delegated administrators are essential, as the stakeholders need different authorizations.

feingranulares Berechtigungsmanagement durch Gruppen für die Finanzbranche wie Banken, FinTechs, Versicherungen  mit cidaas



The problem of “secretaries” is present in the financial sector. It is usually not the account holder of a corporate account who makes transactions, but secretaries. With cidaas, the account holder, as delegated admin, can easily authorize other colleagues to make or view transfers.

feingranulares Berechtigungsmanagement durch Gruppen in der Industrie mit cidaas



The world is moving away from hierarchies towards dynamic groups. With cidaas group management, the team structure can be easily mapped, the administration of authorizations decentralized, and the efficiency of collaboration enhanced.

feingranulares Rechte-, Rollen- und Gruppenmanagement für Handel wie Family und Friends



Many new digital services will be offered to customers to make their shopping experience unique and win their loyalty. Via groups you can map family and friends’ structures with a delegated admin. In this way, you learn more about your customers and offer new added value.

feingranulares Berechtigungsmanagement für Freizeitanbieter mit cidaas 
 für Schulklassen, Clubs, Familien

Recreational provider

Recreational provider

Amusement providers meet groups in many ways. There are the fan clubs, the school classes or the families. Map these groups with cidaas and create delegated admins. With this the groups can manage themselves, add and remove members and assign permissions.

cidaas feingranulares Berechtigungsmanagement und Gruppenmanagement für alle Branchen

Other Branches

Other Branches

Hierarchies, dynamic groups, fan clubs or family and friends are present and relevant in every industry. With cidaas group management, you can assign fine-grained rights and roles and create efficiency and transparency through delegated admins.

Access rights management in different business areas

Access rights management in different business areas


The cidaas B2B module allows you to manage your business partners. Also, your partners and suppliers can manage their users and business partners. Thus, all participating users have efficient control over assignments, roles and authorizations. You, on the other hand, learn more about your partners’ and customers’ employees with the help of this cidaas module.

Business to Consumer/ Customer

Digital services are increasingly migrating to the customers’ homes. As family members, fan clubs or friends can interact with each other, manage themselves independently, so digital services become more valuable. For example, parents, as delegated admins, can manage their children and thereby limit their permissions. Fan clubs can administer their members themselves and thus add more people to use your digital services. This enables you to achieve transparency and create the basis for personal contact.

Business to Employee

A central access management like LDAP has a big disadvantage: All requests, authorization changes occur at one place and take time. With cidaas you can turn your department heads and team leaders into delegated admins. In their area of responsibility, they manage their team and their authorization. This allows employees to quickly obtain the necessary authorizations. Furthermore, cidaas group management allows you to map both the hierarchical organizational structure as well as agile teams and the team can be quickly expanded with additional members or members can be removed by delegated administrators.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is group management?

Group management is the technical representation of people in groups. Authorisations are assigned to each group. An explanation of why this is so relevant is given below. The offered digital services achieve greater added value if groups can also be defined, e.g. for fan clubs, families, friends, internal and cross-company working groups or partners. Once a user has been assigned a group, he or she is given the appropriate permissions that are intended for that group and can easily use the digital service.

What is access management?

Access management is usually defined as a software solution that maps the rights and roles for a company. In the meantime, access management is taking on a different shape as the world moves away from hierarchical structures towards dynamic teams in the B2E, B2B and B2C areas. Meanwhile groups can be found everywhere in different ways. Fan clubs, families, friends, cross-company working groups – the authorization management must allow to map these structures in order to assign rights accordingly.

Who are delegated admins?

With a delegated admin role, these users can manage members in their area of responsibility, add or remove them to the team. This decentralizes the access management and creates transparency regarding who is currently using the application. For example, fan clubs can add and remove members, families can manage and authorize their children, and customers or partners can independently onboard their employees.

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cidaas - Cloud Identity & Access Management (Cloud IAM)

  • Focus on user-friendly management of digital identities in any form
  • Unique, secure user experience with modern 2-factor authentication
  • GDPR-compliant, customisable consent management