Login and Single Sign-On for WordPress
with the cidaas plugin

Integrate cidaas with WordPress via OpenID Connect and OAuth2
and bring Single Sign-On and a unified login to your website!

Login and single sign-on for WordPress with the cidaas plugin (OpenID Connect and OAuth2)

Secure and inspire – Improve
the login experience of your WordPress website

Let cidaas take care of authentication while you focus on getting the most out of your WordPress website. With cidaas you create a unified identity and bring a great login experience and single sign-on to your WordPress website.

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On

A unified identity and consistent login for your users across all channels

Modern authentication

Modern authentication

Whether passwordless or multi-factor – modern authentication with cidaas

Authorization management

Authorization management

Authorize your users with the authorization management of cidaas

Consent management

Consent management

Track consents, whether to general terms and conditions or data protection regulations

Wordpress is the most popular CMS and easy to use

Why WordPress?

  • Tick Mark

    Simple and popular

    WordPress is characterized by a user-friendly interface that makes creating and managing content a breeze – one of the main reasons why it is the most widely used content management system in the world

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    Flexible and individual

    The flexibility of WordPress makes it possible to design any website according to individual ideas, from a simple blog to an extensive e-commerce platform.

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    Can be extended as required

    Thanks to the almost unlimited selection of plugins and themes, WordPress can be expanded at will so that it can grow and adapt to the requirements of your website.

Integrate cidaas into WordPress in just a few steps

  • Tick Mark

    Create a cidaas instance

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    Install the cidaas plugin on your WordPress website. To do this, go to Plugins > Add new and search for “cidaas”.

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    Create an app in cidaas as a representation of your WordPress website and copy the Client Id and the Client Secret into the corresponding fields of the plugin configuration.

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    Take a look at our documentation of the cidaas WordPress plugin.

Integrate single sign-on with OIDC and OAuth2 in WordPress in just a few steps with cidaas.
Why cidaas is the right Customer Identity & Access Management for you!

Why cidaas is the right Customer Identity & Access Management for you!

  • Tick Mark

    Benefit from established standards such as OAuth2, OpenID Connect and SAML, as well as the versatile plugins and SDKs from cidaas for seamless integration into any application or software solution.

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    The cidaas platform offers a comprehensive feature set from single sign-on to multi-factor authentication and consent management, which you can use flexibly and individually for your use case to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

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    cidaas is “Software hosted in Germany/Europe” and therefore meets the highest data protection requirements such as the EU GDPR. Integrated security functions such as multi-factor authentication and fraud detection protect your digital identities.

ProSiebenSat.1 relies on cidaas, the best single sign-on solution, as a platform for the 7Pass login service

ProSiebenSat.1 relies on cidaas, the best single sign-on solution, as a platform for the 7Pass login service

SachsenEnergie AG, the largest municipal utility in eastern Germany, continues its digital transformation with cidaas

SachsenEnergie AG, the largest municipal utility in eastern Germany, continues its digital transformation with cidaas


If you need support, we will be happy to help you!



Take a look at our extensive documentation!
