Events & Webinars

Upcoming Events

Coming soon

More events coming up soon.
In the meantime, you might find something interesting in our past events.

Coming soon

More events coming up soon.
In the meantime, you might find something interesting in our past events.

Past Events

  • cidaas connect 2024: Experience the future of (Cloud) Identity & Access Management – Meet the industry experts at the (C)IAM conference of the year!

  • Delegated user administration and authorization management in e-commerce: Efficient authorization for B2B customers

  • Nexis Involve 2024 – 2 exciting event days all about IAM full of knowledge transfer & networking

Discover our success stories

Erfahren Sie, wie unsere Kunden die cidaas-Plattform nutzen, um ein nahtloses Login-Erlebnis und die beste Customer Experience für ihre Kunden schaffen! 

Discover our success stories
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cidaas – Cloud Identity & Access Management (Cloud IAM)

  • Focus on user-friendly management of digital identities in any form
  • Unique, secure user experience with modern 2-factor authentication
  • GDPR-compliant, customizable consent management